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How do I contact the RCMP?RCMP Turtleford 1-306-845-4520 RCMP St Walburg 1-306-248-6250 RCMP Glaslyn 1-306-343-2005
I'm at Turtle Lake, where are the nearest Medical Centers?"Riverside Health Complex Turtleford 24 Hour Emergency 1-306-845-2195 Turtleford Medical Clinic 1-306-845-2277 Turtleford Pharmacy 1-306-845-2044 North West Health Facility- Medadow Lake- 24 Hour Emergency 1-306-236-1500
I'm at Turtle Lake, where is the nearest Ambulance Services?"Marshall's Ambulance Care -St Walburg, SK- 1-306-248-3222 PNHR Ambulance Services- Meadow Lake, SK. 1-306236-1590
I'm at Turtle Lake, where do I call if I have a fire?"Fire Dispatch. 1-866-404-4911
We own lake front property. Does our property extend to the water's edge?No it usually does not. The ownership of lake front property ends at the "high water mark". The "High Water Mark" is usually interpreted as point marking the maximum elevaton that the lake has known to rise to. The high water mark along the shoreline of Turtle Lake is usually marked as the top of the "ice push" that is generally found along the shoreline of Turtle Lake. The area that exists between the water's edge and the "High Water Mark" is the property of the province.
What are our options if our property is flooding every spring?If you want to do "earth work" on your property, such as adding fill or drainage ditching, you must have permits from the appropriate Rural Muncipality with juristion over your property. RM of Mervin 1-306-845-2045 RM of Parkland 1-306-342-2015 RM of Kivimaa-Moonlight Bay 1-306-845-3336
What must we do before we do any building on our property?1. You need to know exactly where your property lines are. 2. Contact the appropriate RM office for building regulations and permits. 3. Contact your local utilities Sasktel, SaskEnergy, SaskPower for regulations and permits. SaskTel SaskEnergy Saskpower RM of Mervin RM of Parkdale RM of Kivimma-Moonlight Bay
Are we free to plant trees, grass and flower on our property?"There are regulations about planting invasive, noxious, posionous, or diseased plans on your property. Check before planting!
Are allowed to use fertilizers and herbicides on our property?The use of fertilizers and herbicides are generally prohibited anywhere where they may directly or indirectly contaminate surface or ground water. Check before you use either.
Are we free to have an open fire on our property?Open fires are allowed assuming complianace with municipal, provincial and ferderal regulations. If there is a high fire hazzard open fires are often banned. The burning of some substances and products are banned. Before you burn check. RM of Mervin RM of Parkdale RM of Kivamma Moonlight Bay Government of Saskatchewan
Does ownership of lake front property extend to the water's edge?No it usually does not. The ownership of lake front property ends at the "high water mark". The "High Water Mark" is usually interpreted as point marking the maximum elevaton that the lake has known to rise to. The high water mark along the shoreline of Turtle Lake is usually marked as the top of the "ice push" that is generally found along the shoreline of Turtle Lake. The area that exists between the water's edge and the "High Water Mark" is the property of the province.
Our shoreline is eroding because of high water levels. What can we do?The property line, of lake front property, ends at the "high water mark" or the of the ice push berm that surrounds most of the shoreline on Turtle Lake. The province controls the shoreline between the high water mark and the waters' edge and any alteration of the shore line by adding or removing sand, soil, rocks, plants etc requires a permit from the province. More Information here Permit Applications here
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