The TLWI is very excited to partner with Watersheds Canada and Canadian Wildlife Federation to bring Love Your Laketo the Turtle Lake Watershed. Love Your Lake is a shoreline evaluation and stewardship program that was developed by Watersheds Canada and the Canadian Wildlife Federation (CWF). Lakes participating in the Love Your Lake program will be assessed on a property-by-property basis using a standardized assessment protocol and datasheet. After every shoreline property on a lake is assessed from a boat, each shoreline landowner will receive access to an individualized property report consisting of information on the state of their shoreline and suggested voluntary actions for shoreline improvement. These simple suggested actions help protect and enhance shoreline and lake health.
In 2017, we partnered with the RM of Mervin 499 to bring the “Love Your Lake” program to the shore line of Turtle Lake falling within their jurisdiction. The North Saskatchewan River Basin Council (NSRBC) was contracted to assess approximately 500 shoreline properties. The NSRBC completed the survey in August of 2017. The RM of Mervin will made the individual reports available to property owners in the spring and summer of 2018.
The TLWI is encouraging the RM of Partkdale 498 and the Resort Village of Kivimaa-Moonlight Bay to participate in the “Love Your Lake” program to complete the assessment of the complete Turtle Lake shoreline.
As a follow-up to Love Your Lake,the TLWI is proud to be able to work with shoreline property owners to encourage naturalization of their shorelines. Natural shorelines help to protect our water bodies, stabilize soils, provide valuable habitat to wildlife, promote biodiversity, and contribute to a healthy, functioning riparian area ecosystem.